Silhouette of two friends walking into the city, surrounded by colorful lights dimmed in fog and decorative theater wall.
Zbierka zaujímavejších fotografií, na ktorých som pracoval
Bol som zodpovedný za fotografie kampane „FantAsia“ pre spoločnosť Sola, ktorá propaguje svoj porcelán ako lepší spôsob jedenia donáškového jedla.
Režisér fotografie
Vytvorené v:
Sola Switzerland
Bol som zodpovedný za rozšírenie scény pridaním a úpravou príborov a odstránením objektov pred budovou spoločnosti.
Vytvorené v:
Sola Switzerland
Bol som zodpovedný za fotografie a retuš štetcov na líčenie.
Vytvorené v:
Beauty Store 27
Photos taken in my free time
Zhrnutie: Fotky vytvorené v mojom voľnom čase
Úloha: Fotograf
Photo of a man walking into a forest. Path in front of him and surroundings are covered by fog.
A photo of transmition towers showing dominantly through a dense fog.
A photo of a man walking through a field during a sunset, facing away from the sun. The man is almost a silhouette.
A detailed photo of a bee on a green plant covered in water.
A photo of a onewheel electric skateboard in a crop field terrain, being held in one hand by a man cropped out of the picture.
A blurred photo of a road, electricity pole, a tree and another road, covered in fog.
A photo of a high contrast window, using it's window shape as a crop of the photo itself.
A blurry black and white photo of a dog, lined up with the direction of the sun.
A photo of sailing boats being anchored near an island during sunset, showing transition colors of the sky.
A photo of a landcsape with trees in the foreground, more trees in the middleground and hills in the foreground, separated by the layers of atmosphere.
Photo of a man walking into a forest. Path in front of him and surroundings are covered by fog.A photo of transmition towers showing dominantly through a dense fog.A very detailed photo of a bee on a green plant covered in water.A photo of a man walking through a field during a sunset, facing away from the sun. The man is almost a silhouette.A photo of a onewheel electric skateboard in a crop field terrain, being held in one hand by a man cropped out of the picture.A blurred photo of a road, electricity pole, a tree and another road, covered in fog.A blurry black and white photo of a dog, lined up with the direction of the sun.A photo of a high contrast window, using it's window shape as a crop of the photo itself.A photo of a landcsape with trees in the foreground, more trees in the middleground and hills in the foreground, separated by the layers of atmosphere.A photo of sailing boats being anchored near an island during sunset, showing transition colors of the sky.
Photo of a man walking into a forest. Path in front of him and surroundings are covered by fog.A photo of transmition towers showing dominantly through a dense fog.
A very detailed photo of a bee on a green plant covered in water.A photo of a man walking through a field during a sunset, facing away from the sun. The man is almost a silhouette.
A photo of a onewheel electric skateboard in a crop field terrain, being held in one hand by a man cropped out of the picture.A blurred photo of a road, electricity pole, a tree and another road, covered in fog.
A blurry black and white photo of a dog, lined up with the direction of the sun.A photo of a high contrast window, using it's window shape as a crop of the photo itself.
A photo of sailing boats being anchored near an island during sunset, showing transition colors of the sky.A photo of a landcsape with trees in the foreground, more trees in the middleground and hills in the foreground, separated by the layers of atmosphere.