Matus Mazanec
A rendered image of letters "3D" in orange, glass like materialCaligraphically typed "Projects"
Zbierka mojich profesionálnych a osobných CGI prác
V Sole vytvárame množstvo konceptov na prezentáciu našich produktov v obaloch na mieru, ktoré si klienti ešte len vyberajú a schvalujú. Mockupy obalov sa zvyčajne robia vo Photoshope alebo pomocou tlačovej vzorky, na ktorú musíme čakať.

Bol som zodpovedný za zjednodušenie tohto procesu pomocou rekonštrukcie našich produktov a obalov v 3D prostredí.
3D Modeler
Vytvorené v:
Sola Switzerland
An image of realistic wine glasses with 3D wireframe on the right.
Rendered image of a realistic wine glasses.
A purple and white colored cutlery packaging with an opening to show cutlery.
A purple and white colored cutlery packaging with an opening to show cutlery.
A cyan and white colored cutlery packaging, showing cutlery behind a plastic window.
A colorful cardboard box for cutlery, closed.
A colorful cardboard box for cutlery, half open.
A colorful cardboard box for cutlery, open and full of cutlery.
Recreation of Allied Forces symbol from the game Red Alert 2 done during my free time.
3D Modeler
Zhrnutie: Rekonštrukcia symbolu Allied Forces z hry Red Alert 2, ktorý som vytvoril vo voľnom čase.
Úloha: 3D Modeler
Rendered image of a symbol from the game Red Alert 2, Allied faction showing textured details on the left and wireframe on the right.
Original low resolution image of symbol from Red Alert 2, Allied forces.
Image showing fan recreations of the symbol from Red Alert 2, Allied forces.
Rekonštrukcie fanúšikov z webu
High resolution detail of a wing on a recreation of a symbol from Red Alert 2, Allied Forces.
High resolution detail of a bird face on a recreation of a symbol from Red Alert 2, Allied Forces.
High resolution detail of a bird face on a recreation of a symbol from Red Alert 2, Allied Forces.